Sunday, 25 December 2011

Solstice and Christmas on Loch Ness

Feasgar math, good evening Outlandish Bloggers,
Scot here, hailing you from the shores of Loch Ness where Sam and I are staying in a Victorian hunting lodge over the Christmas / Solstice period.  Log fires, good food, good company, no snow, driving rain... It's Scotland.

We're cabinned-up in The Inch na Cardoch Hotel.  That's Alan Clayton, the owner in the kilt below.

We've been having a we break and also performing the role of MC for the few days here, bringing Scottish traditions to the proceedings.

We've just been making Brides Crosses with the 19 or so guests.

Sam gathering Luachar for the crosses

Loch Ness from the lodge

Bridget's Crosses proudly displayed.
Bridget is a Celtic diety who was the Goddess of hearth fire, home, the plough, poetry, wisdom and blacksmithing.  She was taken into the Christian cannon of saints.  Making of her crosses for the home is a blessing. We do it in the winter dark hours.  Here, the guests have given them as gifts to the staff, Marian, Ali, Michelle and Rab the chef have been working hard to look after us in this fine old homely home.

Winter blessings with you.  The sun is returning!

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

May 2012 - Happy Thoughts of a Spring Tour

I'd really like to know if there's something happening out there that I'm not aware of, because there's been a run on the Jamie & Claire May 2012 Tour!  There are now only 4 spaces left.  Usually we get people signing on throughout the months, but this time it's been almost all at once..... interesting (as Mr. Spock would say).

It's a nice diversion after the two wind storms we've just had here in Scotland where winds of 100 to 150 mph were lifting trees out of the ground and roofs off the houses.  Scot and I lost power for two days just after a huge grocery shopping trip, so we scrambled to friend's for freezer space.  Then our roads flooded into our yard leaving us without clean water until we had our water tank emptied and cleaned.  But if that's all life is challenging us with, then life is pretty good and we have no complaints!

Mind you, we had quite a wind storm in May this year.  This has all been a bit unprecedented.  Climate change anyone?  I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to the spring and to meeting more lovely faces on our adventures following the trail of those two famous and much loved Outlandish Spirits, Claire & Jamie.  We really enjoyed our travels with all our other OSs and hope you're all doing well and keeping warm.  Cheers Dears! Sam
And here are some sheep... blue spotted sheep... a rare breed.... ahem.