Sam and I were being step on guides to a tour today, a fine bunch of ladies mostly from the States on a spiritual interest tour run by tour guide Lynn McBrien of Cavan Tours.
We were seeking certain standing stones today in a remote glen. Ahh yes, ancient, permanent, solid stones, made of solid... where is it!?
Y'see the stone wasna where it should be. Apparently it's a common thing in this glen.
My good lady wife was just telling me the other day about standing stones that are sometimes not where you left them. And then they... return, sometime later.
So it was today, as I went looking for the Tetherstone of the Fianna, it was not there. Neither was the stone they used to lift as a test of strength. Mind you, that one could just have been lost in the long grass.
Aye, well, maybe the stones will have returned by my next visit.
Monday, 25 June 2012
Followers will know of our penchant for Fish and Chips, well, here we give you, the savvy traveller, the correct patois for your visi...
DAY 1 Scot here. We're outlandishing a private tour for an American family from Italy. You'll like this. Vicky and Jim's ...
Blog of July 2009 Jamie and Claire Tour with Conny and her Mutter, Iris. Pic: Scottish Bluebells in July Day 1 The next Outlandish Advent...