The beauty of the woodlands with the autumn light gives the colours an extra intensity. The lighter leaves of the Rowan contrasting with the fully ripened Rowan Berries. Autumn is a magical season made of thousands of small moments that your eyes capture and your spirit remembers..........
Gail: The oral history is great. We visited a small Kirk, beautiful. The most unusal thing today are the different plants. Those that we don't have in the States. So very interesting. Our guide, Scot is very knowledgeable! This trip is wonderful!!
Deanna - There are two different things I have become aware of...the first is the scent of the Highlands. It smells like a living thing, full of life and earth, verdant and rich. The feel of the earth as you step on it is like a cushion. It cradles your foot and eases your way. I expected this place to be beautiful but it simply cannot be fully explained, it must be experienced.
Sarah - This morning I experience sheer joy as we watch the fog drift low over the hills. A spirituality as we quietly enjoy the kirk. The freshness and peace as we hike the trails. I am very surprised to discover that before today I have never actually had fresh water. As I drink from a stream, the water is sweet and clear and I love it!
Katherine - The cold air coming off the stones of the ancient church, quietly listening as the words of Diana leave the mouth of a Scotsman. I have never felt more apart of a book than at that moment. The history wrapped around me like a warm blanket and the words taking me back in time. Unusual? more like unique.
Liza - Today's trip has really been one of a kind. I have been to many beautiful places, but I can honestly say that the scenery I saw, and breathed in today was something I will never forget. I actually felt the spirituality of the landscape and felt the emotion of the woods. I took several pictures, but my mental pictures will last me a lifetime!
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Followers will know of our penchant for Fish and Chips, well, here we give you, the savvy traveller, the correct patois for your visi...
DAY 1 Scot here. We're outlandishing a private tour for an American family from Italy. You'll like this. Vicky and Jim's ...
Blog of July 2009 Jamie and Claire Tour with Conny and her Mutter, Iris. Pic: Scottish Bluebells in July Day 1 The next Outlandish Advent...